Our Experts for Your Art

The Department

VAN HAM has been hosting online auctions which take place online only since 2017. The format of ONLINE-ONLY auctions has quickly proven to be a successful format: VAN HAM offers the most popular program of curated online sales in Germany. The online auctions take place every 14 days and are an ideal complement to the traditional auction programme. 

Curated by a young dynamic team, the online auctions offer a perfect opportunity to discover new art and establish art collections. With attractive starting bids, often in the lower three-digit range, the ONLINE ONLY format is especially attractive to young collectors and beginners.

If you have any questions about online bidding, our team is happy to assist you.

Anica Beil (Head of Department)

+49 221 92 58 62 322

"I really appreciate the way you deal with (young) collectors at Van Ham. In my opinion it is ine of the best customer experiences I have had: everything is clear and quick!" 

- Pierre T., France


We are there for you

Call us at +49 (221) 92 58 62-0or write to us. We will process your request promptly and get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like us to call you back, please specify a time slot within our business hours (Mon-Fri 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

Contact page

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