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Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst

2064 GUANYIN. China. Ming-Dynastie (1368-1644). Bronze mit Resten einer Lackvergoldung. Gekleidet in elegante Gewänder und mit Juwelen, in beiden Händen eine Schale haltend. Höhe 20,5cm. Zustand A/B. GUANYIN. China. Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Bronze with residue of lacquer gilding. Elegantly dressed and with jewels, in both hands holding a bowl. In the crown of openwork tendrils a tiny Amitâbha Buddha. On the left shoulder a parrot sitting on a lotus, on the right a vase (neck broken). Height 20.5cm. Condition A/B. 觀音銅坐像 明 高20.5cm 銅胎漆金。觀音頭戴寶冠,身著天衣瓔 珞,全跏趺打坐,雙手捧缽盂於雙足之 上。左肩站立一鸚鵡,右肩為淨瓶(長頸 缺失)。 € 1.500 - 1.700 | $ 1.635 - 1.853 2065 WENSHU PUSA (MANJUSRI). China. Ming-Dynastie (1368-1644). Bronze mit Resten einer Lackvergoldung. Der Bodhisattva für Weisheit sitzend auf dem Löwen, auf einem Lotossockel. Die Hände hält er in einer Variation der dharmachakra mudrâ. Höhe 23cm. Zustand A/B. WENSHU PUSA (MANJUSRI). China. Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Bronze with residue of lacquer gilding. The Bodhisattva of wisdom sitting on the lion, on a lotus pedestal. He is holding his hands in a variation of the dharma- chakra mudrâ. He is elegantly dressed and adorned with many jewels, in the elaborate crown a small representation of the Amitâbha Buddha. At his left shoulder on the lotus the book, on the lotus right once the sword of wisdom. Height 23cm. Condition A/B. 文殊菩薩騎獅銅像 明 高23cm 銅胎漆金。代表智慧的文殊菩薩天衣天冠, 駕乘獅子在蓮花寶座上。雙手結說法印,左 肩上蓮花托經書,右肩寶劍部分缺失。 € 3.500 - 4.000 | $ 3.815 - 4.360 2064 2065 China Kunsthandwerk

Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst
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